Blessing Garden Wedding

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#229: Blessing Garden Wedding
[Marathon] 06/14/2019 – 06/24/2019
The Melody that Plays Happiness Gacha

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意気揚々と仕事を受けたものの結婚式というテーマに不安が残るアイドルたちは、式場でバイトをして、そのまま式を見学させてもらうことに。   式の様子を眺めるメンバーたちは、だんだんと新曲のイメージが湧いてきたようで、熱い想いを語り合う。
そんな中、何か言いたそうに口をつぐむ春名の姿が…   新たな未来へ歩み出すあなたたちへ!

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See: Blessing Garden Wedding/Event Scenes

Translator: Kelly
Huh? Our next job is a PR video for a wedding ceremony? It’s for us?
And they want us to write a wedding song… Th-that’s awesome! I wanna do it!
But… we’re still high schoolers… Can we even… write a wedding song because of that…?
Ooh, ooh! Does anyone here know about weddings and stuff~?
Weddings… weddings, huh… Now that you say it, I have no clue how I’d imagine something like it.
I at least understand how a wedding ceremony proceeds, but I wouldn’t go so far as to say I know it…
…I can imagine that it’s… a happy thing… but that’s all I know.
Same, Natsukicchi. I don’t really get anything about it, except that it’s a super mega happy sorta thing.
Umm. We can search up things like the atmosphere of a wedding ceremony in advance, but…
…I got an idea! How about we look for part-time jobs that take place at a venue together?

So this is the wedding’s ceremony hall for our job today. It sure is pretty~.
This is the first time I’ve heard of a “garden wedding”! It’s really stylish to have a party outside and stuff!
Yeah… The flowers are blooming, too… It’s a nice place. I can even hear the birds chirping…
That aside, we got the job at this location fairly quickly.
Actually, Producer talked it over for us. It looks like this is the location for the new song’s PV. I heard that we’ll be having photoshoots with us working in the background, and it’ll be used for some kind of special bonus video.
I see, so that’s why there are multiple cameramen here. This is quite serious…
The way our work is going here, too… We’ll be able to have… the fans see us doing it…
Hey, you’re right! All right, guys! Let’s work hard on today’s job, so that we can write a good song!

…Ooh… This is hyper awesome…
Shiki, don’t stop working—!
Yikes! Hayatocchi! I’m sorry! It’s just, Harunacchi looked so cool at work, I couldn’t help but watch…!
Haruna did? What do you mean, so cool at work? Just how awesome of a thing is it?
You’ll know when you see, Hayatocchi. See? The way he cooperates with the staff members is perfect!
*walking around* I’m done with this job here. What would you like me to do next? Should I carry the flowers?
Ooh… You’re right. He’s working so briskly. It’s so amazing how he’s used to working…
Why did you go out for wool and end up getting shorn…? Both of you have stopped working.
O-okay! I’m sorry—!

Good work, Jun, Natsuki. *sighs* We finally get to catch a break!
You’ve worked hard, Haruna-san. You really are familiar with this, aren’t you?
You think? But it was the first time I worked with you guys, so it kind of felt like a fresh experience for me.
Working like this makes me remember when I experienced working as a convenience store clerk for a TV program.
For “Job★Challenge”… That brings back memories. I remember… experiencing work as a… florist.

The staff members back at the venue said to me that… the program was nice… and complimented us for it…

…Getting compliments like that makes me feel a bit self-conscious, but… I’m glad our effort paid off.
…Because I learned a little bit more about… flowers through that job… I might be able to have a chance to help out… with putting flowers on the decorations at the venue…
Oh, I’m counting on you, Natsuki! So if there’s a place we can use flowers, then I’ll ask you for help. All right then, let’s keep working hard on the jobs after this, too!

This is where our job ends! We’ll leave the rest of the setup to the professionals.
We worked mega hard, didn’t we! I’m sure the wedding ceremony’s gonna be good, no doubt about it!
Today’s MVP was definitely Natsuki. The flower decorations he made were really popular among the staff members.
…I’m glad to hear that. I hope that the bride and groom… are also happy… with it.
Good work, everyone. The real ceremony’s going to be held here, isn’t it?
Right here, the bride and groom will… swear upon their love… Honestly, I can’t... believe this is actually happening.
We really got the chance to be involved with the biggest event that a married couple goes through, huh?
It’s really an honor. I gotta put my all into writing the song now…!
And after this, main event is finally tomorrow! Close-up view of a wedding ceremony!
You’re right. We’ll have to watch closely so that we can make it a good song!

Wow… More and more guests are coming.
It looks like they’re getting excited talking about the newlyweds.
This nervous atmosphere… reminds me of the moment right before a live somehow!
Ah, you’re right. Since everyone’s looking forward to the stars of today’s show to arrive.
…I’m looking forward… to it. I wonder what kind of… wedding ceremony it’ll be? I think my heart’s… skipping a beat…
I just can’t sit still any more…! Ughh~! I’m in the mood to just jump out right now and start singing!!
I hope that’s your idea of a joke, but please do not do that. No matter what…
…Ah. The music at the venue’s stopped. Could it be…
It’s the bride and groom… The stars of today’s show have arrived! Let’s stay quiet so that we don’t interrupt.

(I wonder if… the bride and groom… are nervous……)
*sinks down* …Ngh.
(Hayato’s shaking… Ah… He’s trying to hold back… his tears. So that he doesn’t get in the way… of the wedding ceremony. Fufu. Hayato’s the same as always… He gets emotional easily, huh.)
(And here’s where the couple swears upon their eternal love and are married… It’s making me super emotional…!)

…I feel like I’m gonna cry… Harunacchi, do you have any tissues?

Harunacchi? Can you hear me? Don’t ignore me~!
Shiki-kun. This is an important moment, so quiet down. Here, if you want a tissue, I have one.
Yikes, I’m sorry, Juncchi… Thank you for the tissue!

The wedding ceremony’s over now… Next is the reception at the venue that we set up.
Looks like they’ll be showing episodes of the bride and groom through a movie!
Their love wasn’t straightforward, was it… Wait! And they got separated too!? Even so, they kept believing in each other and got so far as to be married… Uugh… I’m so glad…
Hayatocchi’s still crying. I’ll go get some tissues from the staff members!
……A wedding, huh…
(…Haruna…? I can’t put my finger on it… but he’s acting a little bit different… than usual…) *approaches Haruna* …Haruna? …Is there something wrong?
…Eh? Ah—, sorry about that, Natsuki. I guess I was spacing out for a bit there.
Haruna-san, are you possibly feeling unwell? If that’s the case…
Uh, no… I was just interested in the bride and groom’s hair and makeup, that’s all! I’m really obsessed with what they did! Maybe I’ll go ask the staff members to teach me later~.

It seems we’re done here for today. We should be going home now.
Today’s wedding ceremony was seriously, so good. It wasn’t just the couple… It looked like the guests were really happy too. I got emotional along with them.
I’m so happy to know that we were able to help out with making such a happy place!
…I hope our new song… will be able to make the audience full of happiness… just like today did.
Making both the newlyweds and the guests happy with our song… Yeah. You’re right!
We’ll help you out as well, so let’s all do our best.
Y-yeah. Of course. Let’s make the best song ever, Hayato!!
All right! Starting tomorrow, let’s work hard making the new song—!
Everyone Yeah—!

Okay, then! Let’s get started with writing the new song!
Hayato, do you have an idea of what kind of song would be good?
Yeah. After watching yesterday’s wedding ceremony, I got to thinking about all sorts of ideas… I thought that having a song that either supported the newlyweds or congratulate them would be good.
That sounds nice! So then, the guests on the side would be able to sing along too.
It’s fitting for us, from start to finish… So that means we’ll put in feelings of… supporting them?
We don’t have much experience with writing love songs, after all. We won’t be trying to force seeing it through the bride and groom’s perspective, so it holds a greater persuasion factor. I think it’s a good idea.
Thanks, guys! So we’ll keep the new song’s themes as being “celebration” and “support”. If you have any ideas or things that catch your attention, don’t hold back and tell me about them!

…We’ll have to go with “Congratulations on your wedding”… or… “Please take care of each other from now on,” or something.
Well, that’s fine too, but… I dunno, it kinda lacks impact.
But if we’re gonna make it a hyper mega happy song, then it has to have key words like that!
That is true, but we have to keep in mind that this is a High×Joker song…
...Hey, y'know.
What is it? Did you think of some good lyrics, too?
…Ah, sorry. I thought I came up with the best lyrics ever just now, but I guess I forgot.
I see. If you remember it, make sure to tell me!
…Haha. Sorry about that.
(…Somehow… he’s not acting like the usual Haruna… I think.)
…Natsuki? You look like you’re spacing out. What’s wrong?
…Jun. I’m fine. It’s nothing, so… let’s get back to the discussion.

...Haruna, you were here?
Huh? Oh, Natsuki. Going by the way you asked that, I take it you were looking for me? Hm, hmm… You were looking for me… so that means you were looking for donuts, right?

Well, since you’re so eager, may I present to you my special, newly released donut! *gives Natsuki a donut*

…Th-thank you… Yep, it’s delicious. Nothing less of… your special one.
Right~? The glaze has got the perfect sweetness! Feels like I could eat as many as I wanted!
…Hey, you know… about the time we were doing the discussion before… Haruna, you looked like you wanted to… say something, right?
Hm? Oh, that? Haha… it’s not really that important, you know?
You weren’t acting like… your usual self… so I was worried… about you… If there’s… anything I can do, I want to help you out…

The truth is, there’s a message that’s special to me that I want to put in our new song’s lyrics.
If that’s the case… you should’ve said it… back there…
Yeah… I did want to do that. A lot. But about that message… It’s got a lot of my own personal feelings in it. Since it’s High×Joker’s song, I thought it’d be kinda wrong to do that.
…Your own… personal feelings? What does that… mean?
If I wanna explain that, I have to make sure that you absolutely can’t talk about it, but… Hmm… What do I do… But it’s Natsuki, so… …He did talk to me before about something really important in his past, didn’t he. …All right. Would you listen to what I have to say?

…It’s something important, isn’t it. You’re really fine with… talking to me… about it?
Haha, what’re you saying? It’s because it’s you that I can feel comfortable talking about it.
…I got it. Ah, but… could you wait a little… I need to mentally prepare myself… for it… …*breathes in*… …*breathes out*…
Haha! You’re taking deep breaths? It’s not as serious as you think, so you don’t need to do that. Okay, just eat another donut to calm down. Here. *gives Natsuki a donut*
…Thank you… It really is… delicious.
It sure is. I’ll eat one, too! …Natsuki, did you calm down a little?
Yes… I think I might have… So you can… tell me.
Yeah, I got it. Once we’re done eating our donuts, I’ll talk.

You might’ve noticed it a little already. I’ve got a fatherless family.
Oh, so going by that reaction, you knew~?
…I actually… didn’t. But… I guess that’s why I’m not… surprised. Since… each family structure… differs from person… to person.
Sure does. Haha, I wasn’t even trying to hide it, but now that I’ve said it, I feel like I’ve gotten something off my chest.
…Honestly, I was worried that… it was something much more severe… And I wondered what I’d do… if that happened.
I did say that it wasn’t as serious as you thought, right? Okay, confession over!
W-wait… It’s not… over yet… I haven’t heard about the message… that you wanted to put into the lyrics…
Oh, whoops… You’re right. That was the main issue, wasn’t it?

For as long as I could remember, Mom raised me all by herself. I knew just how much she went through… because I was by her side the whole time. That’s why, when I get married, I definitely don’t want to make my partner suffer. …Wait, I feel like I just said something really embarrassing! Haha. Umm, basically… “Are you prepared to make your partner happy!?” That’s the kind of… uh, how do you say it? Question, that I wanted to put in as a message.
…Asking if… you’re prepared…… Yes. I think that’s… very nice.
Really? It sounds kinda high-and-mighty, so I couldn’t say it because I thought you’d oppose it.
Your feelings… resonated in my heart. I’m sure we’ll be able to… sing in a way that only High×Joker… can. Let’s discuss it with everyone else… Ah, but… I won’t tell them about… your family.
It’s not like I was trying to hide it from the other members, but… You’re such a nice guy, Natsuki~! *hugs Natsuki*
*shaking* Wah— Wahhh… H-Haruna… it hurts… please loosen… your arms…
Haha, my bad. Looks like I put too much power in when I wrapped my arms around you.

…So basically, I thought it was a good idea to put in a phrase where we ask if they’re “prepared” for it. It’s a passionate message that would reach both the bride and groom alike!
I get it… Instead of just supporting them, conveying that message is also a possibility…
Natsuki said it was really good. What about you guys…?
For me… I think it’s a good idea. Putting messages like this into the song is our job as well.
…! Really? You don’t think the proposal’s a bit too high-and-mighty or anything…
With that, both the bride and groom are prepared to make each other “mega happy!”, so I think it’d bring out the mega-MAX 120% of their all-out power into wanting to make each other happier!
Let me think… Going by the lyrics, it’d fit in well, so… I’m in on your plan, Haruna! I’ll try putting your message into the lyrics! I’m sure it’ll get to be an even better song!
You guys…! Honestly, thank you! All right, let’s keep on going and wrap up the song!

We haven’t come here since we were doing those jobs. It’s reserved just for us today, right?
Yeah. Since we’re filming the new song’s PV, no one except us is allowed here.
Oh! Producer-chan, that CD you’re holding! Is that what I think it is…! It’s our new song, fresh and piping hot out of the recording oven! I wanna listen to it!
…Yes. It really is… a nice song. I feel like our feelings… will get through.
I agree. I feel like the parts where we ask the question will be able to fire up the performance.
You’re talking about the lyrics that Haruna thought up, right? Looks like it was the right idea to arrange that phrase and put it in!
Thanks for putting a lot of thought into it, Hayato. I feel like you’ve made it an awesome song!
It looks like the preparations for the shooting… are done now. The staff members are… calling for us.
All right, then! Now that we’ve gotten ourselves excited, let’s do our best to shoot the PV!

(Everyone in High×Joker sings together)
Haruna, Natsuki! You two were perfectly in sync today. Thanks to that, you made it easier for me to play.
It was hyper smooth sailing for me to sing, too! Your guys’ harmonies were super awesome!
You really… think so? I think… that my wavelengths are matching with Haruna… more than they did before.
No way… Did you two do some special training in secret or something!?
Fufufu… Unfortunately for you, that’s some top secret stuff. Right, Natsuki?
Fufu… Yeah, it’s… a secret.
Whaaat—! I’m super-duper curious now! Don’t you think so too, Juncchi!?
What? N-not really…
(…Huh? It felt like Jun was staring in my direction… just now… …Did I just… imagine things…?)
Okay, enough about that! We’re heading into individual photoshoots next! Shiki, you’re first up~

Shiki’s… dancing in high spirits. I’m next. I have to check over the dance steps.
Natsuki. Before you do that… could I ask you something? The reason why Haruna-san suddenly told us his idea for the lyrics was because you had something to do with it, right?
…I didn’t do anything… special… I just listened… to what Haruna had… to say.
He had something to tell you?
Umm… but the thing that we talked about is… a secret. I can’t even tell you… Jun…… Sorry.
Hmm… I’d always known everything about you, but recently, that’s changed. There are more things about you that I don’t know now.
…! B-But… it hasn’t changed that… you’re the most important person to me…
You dummy. No need to panic so much. I’m not blaming you for that. No matter how close friends are, it’s a given that there are things we don’t know about each other. It’s a good thing.
Do you… think so?
Yes. The opposite could be said, too. I think there are things about me that you don’t know.
Eh… Things about you that… I don’t know? What… are they? I’m curious…
They’re secrets, of course. Here, let me help you out with checking your dance steps.

We’re done with shooting today. Good work, everyone!
We shot the best performance ever! Maybe we can go to karaoke for a celebration…
Hold up a moment, Shiki! We’re not completely done shooting yet, right?
Oops, I forgot. We’ve still got to film the the surprise performance!
The project where… there’ve been many brides and grooms who want to invite High×Joker, right?
Yeah, that’s it! I heard there were lots of people in support of it, so the lottery was really tough to decide. The footage for it’s gonna be used in the PV, too, so we have to put everything we got into it!
We’ll have to go to lots of different… ceremonial halls… I think all the moving around will take a lot out of us…
Sure will! It’s basically like the actual PV shooting is only just now getting started.
Yes. Let’s work hard so that, no matter what hall we go to, we’ll be able to perform the best we’ve ever had.

One, two, three…! Congratulations on your wedding!
Here’s a song of celebration from High×Joker as your present!
…We wish that your lives together… will be happy… So please listen to this.
Good work, everyone. Thank you to the staff members, for your help as well.
A seaside wedding ceremony’s stylish, too! It’s nice! I was kinda nervous, though…
This is a more attentive and polite place, so it makes you feel nervous in a different way from our usual lives, huh?
I got a good idea! Since we’re here already, how about we go play on the beach!?
Oh, nice! Let’s change out of our outfits and go in the water…
Ah… Producer’s… calling for us. We have to move… to the next venue.
Why—! No way!?
I guess we can’t do anything about it… Let’s leave beach time for later, and go to the next place!

Congratulations on… your wedding. We’ll play… this song for you two.
Congratulations on your wedding. May you forever be happy together!
To pray that you two will become the best bride and groom, we’ll gift you with this new song of ours!
Good work, guys… I guess doing this for a long time really does tire you out…
We did take up a lot of time moving back and forth, too. We didn’t even have much time to catch our breaths…
The next place is our last. The location’s… wait, huh? Could this actually be…!
Ooh! It’s the garden wedding venue that we used to shoot the PV too! Such a coincidence!
I guess it’s… fate? If we go right now… the sunset would… look nice.
All right, let’s go show the last couple the best performance ever!

We’re very honored to bear witness to your ceremonial departures. Though it may be presumptuous of us, the five of us will support you with this cheer.
Congratulations on your wedding. I hope you have a wonderful married life together!
You may run into troubles. But you two will surely be able to overcome them!
Please build… a nice family. May you be happy together… forever…!
I hope you can have hyper mega-MAX super-awesome smiles, and that every day, you can be a happy couple!
I’m last, huh? Um… No matter what happens, as long as you don’t give up, I’m sure you can be happy! …Hehe, I guess. Anyway, congratulations on your marriage!
…This is end of the filming for the surprise live. Haruna, you were so cool at the end!
You think so? It’s kinda embarrassing, but… thanks. Good work with shooting, guys!

Producer, is it true that our PV’s finished!? Let’s hurry up and watch it together!
Ooh! The bride and everyone else looks like they’re mega-happy!
…During the surprise lives… we had to take it carefully… so we didn’t have the chance to look at their expressions, but… It looks like all the couples were… really happy... So I’m glad.
That’s right. Through our song and performance, all of the people at the ceremony halls were able to smile.
This is also thanks to Harunacchi giving us the idea for the lyrics back then, too!
Sure is! We’re not just cheering them on, and Haruna’s passionate message really made it come alive.
The MVP this time was Haruna-san. Your idea for the lyrics… was very nice.
Nah, nah, I was just meddling around a little. It wasn’t really that big of a deal…
That’s not… true. This song was… made, all because… you were here.
R-really? Haha… I guess so! Thanks, you guys!